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English-Hindi > splenic abscess

splenic abscess meaning in Hindi

splenic abscess sentence in Hindi

प्लीहा विद्रधि
splenic    प्लीहज
abscess    फोड़ा विद्रधि व्रण
1.Spleen enlargement can be found, but are not always associated with hepatic or splenic abscesses.

2.Another study showed a case with a diagnosis of sympathetic empyema that was likely secondary to splenic abscess.

3.The empyema responded well to treatments however the splenic abscess required three weeks of drainage before the abscess resolved.

4.Complications include a ruptured spleen, hemorrhage, splenic abscess ( for example, if the underlying cause is endocarditis ) or pseudocyst formation.

5.Intra-abdominal infection ( including liver and / or splenic abscesses, or prostatic abscesses ) do not usually present with focal pain, and imaging of these organs using ultrasound or computed tomography should be performed routinely.

How to say splenic abscess in Hindi and what is the meaning of splenic abscess in Hindi? splenic abscess Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.