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English-Hindi > sigh for

sigh for meaning in Hindi

sigh for sentence in Hindi
sigh    झोंका दीर्घश्वास
for    क्योंकि के लिए के
1.It was their sighs for which the bridge was named.

2.Oh, how I sigh for a more gender-inclusive sky.

3."Forrest Gump, " awash in 60s and 70s oldies, is one long sigh for lost innocence.

4.Sigh for poor Mr . Heavyfoot.

5.To the west, the graceful arch of Bow Bridge vaults the lake, a bridge of sighs for strolling lovers.

6.This one is an equal opportunity sigh for both parents, beginning any time after 6 p . m . and, on rare occasions, before then.

7.Upon completing its annual study of the student-athlete graduation rates at its 309 Division I institutions, the NCAA can breathe a collective sigh for two reasons.

8.Dressed in a dark jacket, flannel shirt and faded jeans, Redford, in his star turn, did not disappoint, eliciting a fair number of sighs for his chiseled chin.

9.In 1847 he began writing and publishing songs, the first being dedicated to the Countess of Falmouth and entitled " Heave one sigh for me at parting ".

10.The chorus " My heart cries for you, Sighs for you, dies for you . . . " is original and does not appear in the French song.

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How to say sigh for in Hindi and what is the meaning of sigh for in Hindi? sigh for Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.