David F . Swenson first translated the works in the 1940s and titled them the " Edifying Discourses "; however, in 1990, superfluity, and desires only to remain in hiding ".
*PM : superfluity of the third defining property for finite consequence operator, id = 8678 new !-- WP guess : superfluity of the third defining property for finite consequence operator-- Status:
*PM : superfluity of the third defining property for finite consequence operator, id = 8678 new !-- WP guess : superfluity of the third defining property for finite consequence operator-- Status:
"When I first entered the church, I saw the rhythm of the internal architecture shorn of all superfluity with none of the gilt and ornamental trimmage of the Baroque style, " he said.
He desired to induce every rich man to despoil himself of superfluity, and to create a brotherhood of property and service, and was ready to be the first to lay down the advantages of his birth.
Superfluity of graphemes ( letters or characters ) is often an issue in spelling reform, which prompts the " Economic Argument " significant cost savings in the production materials over time as promulgated by George Bernard Shaw.
It has been suggested, however, that the empty scroll is designed to demonstrate the superfluity of words in relation to images and thus refers to a contemporary humanist debate regarding the relative merits of poetry and art.
You condemned, and even killed the just man " ( James 5 : 1-6 ) & In 2 Corinthians 8-9 Paul simply says that the superfluity of some should compensate for the privation of others.
The theory of superfluity is that you must do at least 50 percent more than what's unnecessary in order to achieve what you're trying to achieve .'He was full of wisdom like that ."
"The expanse of space is not an extravagant superfluity; it's a consequence of the prolonged chain of events, extending back before our solar system formed, that preceded our arrival on the scene ."
How to say superfluity in Hindi and what is the meaning of superfluity in Hindi? superfluity Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.