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English-Hindi > sacrilegious" sentence in Hindi

sacrilegious in a sentence

41.This is kind of sacrilegious to me ."

42."That's sacrilegious ."

43.To people who say her nontraditional sushi is disrespectful or sacrilegious, Griffith responds.

44.Some Muslims had deemed his novel " Children of Gebalawi " sacrilegious.

45.Many Catholics had condemned the image as sacrilegious and insensitive and demanded its removal.

46.Many Catholics have condemned the image as sacrilegious and insensitive and demanded its removal.

47.Following this program or supporting it ( by voting for candidates ) is sacrilegious,

48.Using knowledge for earning a living or for any selfish end was considered sacrilegious.

49.In June 2003, the magazine was sacrilegious.

50."I denounce and contest, that you shall observe no sacrilegious pagan customs.

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How to say sacrilegious in Hindi and what is the meaning of sacrilegious in Hindi? sacrilegious Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.