Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the State highway commission be, and is hereby authorized to accept as a part of the State highway system a road leading direct from a point approximately one-half mile south of Lovingston, in Nelson county, to a point approximately two and one-half miles north of Colleen, in said county, in accordance with a survey made by the State highway commission, which when macadamized and completed, shall be in lieu of the present route between these points.
Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That the State highway commission be, and it is hereby authorized and directed to re-locate route eighteen of the State highway system from a point at or near Colleen, in Nelson county, to a point at or near Shady Lane ( but not more than a mile from either point ), which, when macadamized and completed, shall be in lieu of the present route between said points, except that the macadam road from the Lane Ford bridge over Tye river to the said point at or near Shady Lane shall remain a part of the State highway system.
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