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English-Hindi > immunization" sentence in Hindi

immunization in a sentence

41.Ensure universal access to safe water, immunizations and sanitation.

42.Mass immunization should be strengthened, particularly in the newly independent states.

43.%Make sure your pet's immunizations are current.

44.Brazil also requires immunization of travelers coming from countries with infected areas.

45.Researchers concluded that widespread flu immunizations could produce significant medical cost savings.

46._Make sure your pet's immunizations are current.

47._For the immunization of children, Clinton requests $ 400 million.

48.In hepatitis and rabies, post-exposure immunization can prevent infection.

49.Arizona's immunization rate has rebounded over the past several years.

50.The immunization injections are effective if administered within two weeks of exposure.

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How to say immunization in Hindi and what is the meaning of immunization in Hindi? immunization Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.