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English-Hindi > efface" sentence in Hindi

efface in a sentence

41.We pledge to efface terrorism from our country together with the people.

42.But the self-effacing second-year pro also deflected praise.

43.Self-effacing and quiet, Dravid avoids the limelight.

44.The pre-Christian elements, however, were never entirely effaced.

45.Her attitude toward her work was both self-effacing and confident.

46.Flanagan was usually self-effacing, reserved and amiable.

47.War compels labor, that her ravages may be effaced.

48.The pygidium is rather large, and often rather effaced.

49.Some credited her self-effacing sense of humor.

50.It is not exactly austere, drab, reticent or self-effacing.

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How to say efface in Hindi and what is the meaning of efface in Hindi? efface Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.