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English-Hindi > cantabile" sentence in Hindi

cantabile in a sentence

41.It is initially marked " Allegretto sempre cantabile " and is the longest of the Consolations with a total of 100 measures.

42.The quartet's wistful slow movement, Andante cantabile, turns up variously arranged at symphony concerts, on the radio, in elevators.

43.And the group offers a schmaltz-free yet moving account of Tchaikovsky's First Quartet; even the famous Andante Cantabile sounds fresh.

44.Leonora now was to have a cantabile for the Miserere as well as retaining " Tacea la Notte " in act 1 with its cabaletta.

45.Haydn ( Hoffstetter ) String Quartet No . 5 in F Major Op . 3, 2nd Movement-aka " Serenade " Andante Cantabile.

46.Besides music, Witwisit is also a fan of the Japanese manga series " Nodame Cantabile " and " Lomography ".

47.The expressive alto part, marked cantabile with elaborate ornamentation, melismatic passages and occasional dissonant appoggiaturas, resembles the solo part in an aria.

48.A second theme, in B-flat, marked " Tranquillamente e cantabile ", appears, before the main theme returns.

49.The program included Schubert Psalm 92, Symphony 9 in D Minor, Op . 125, Movement 3 " Adagio molto e cantabile ."

50.In addition to performing, Christiana Lin in 1994 founded Cantabile Piano Music Group in the spirit of " I play, we play ".

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How to say cantabile in Hindi and what is the meaning of cantabile in Hindi? cantabile Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.