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English-Hindi > bowel movement" sentence in Hindi

bowel movement in a sentence

41.Bowel movements may be dark and tarry in nature.

42.It features ceramic figurines of the pope, nuns and angels squatting over their bowel movements.

43.This information ranged from bowel movements to the student s interest in the opposite sex.

44.Other symptoms include persistent vomiting and a bowel movement that contains blood or appears black.

45.Children are more likely to be able to expel a bowel movement right after eating.

46.But olestra eaters did have more frequent bowel movements.

47.Meconium is a sticky substance that usually makes up the child s first bowel movement.

48.The father told police his son only untied him because he had a bowel movement.

49.Through their synchronized bowel movements, the children of the proletariat shared the vicissitudes of life.

50.Since the treatment, Mary has had regular bowel movements and only occasional, mild abdominal pain.

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How to say bowel movement in Hindi and what is the meaning of bowel movement in Hindi? bowel movement Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.