In both legal traditions, legal certainty is regarded as grounding value for the legality of legislative and administrative measures taken by public authorities.
Dr Yeh added that had the government brought in administrative measures to counter speculation, the property market could have been put under control.
However, there is also data showing that other administrative measures seen in schools without SROs can also contribute to a lower crime rate.
These so-called " Temples of learning " are in fact crumbling and need urgent curative and corrective administrative measures to save the situation.
Consult the Administrative Measure on the Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products documentation for requirements of acceptable amounts of these substances.
Raising interest rates instead of imposing administrative measures would probably make more credit available to private businesses, but possibly less to state-owned enterprises.
Abu el-Ayoun said neither the Central Bank nor the government intended to use " administrative measures " to restore order to the market.
Foreign Trade Minister Wu also noted that " administrative measures taken by the U . S . " have harmed its exports, Xinhua reported.
The resolution required U . N . members to adopt legislation and take administrative measures and other steps to halt all support for terrorists.
Although not openly dissident, the letter was never published in the press at that time and those who signed were repressed using administrative measures.
How to say administrative measures in Hindi and what is the meaning of administrative measures in Hindi? administrative measures Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by