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English-Hindi > whimsies" sentence in Hindi

whimsies in a sentence

31.Costas'whimsy leavens Collins'single-minded resolve.

32.Untouched, they add color and whimsy to the plate.

33.I thought there should be some whimsy, some fun.

34.A flight of whimsy on the part of the chef?

35.Then he discovered the surreal whimsy of Donald Barthelme and John Barth.

36.That bit of whimsy aside, the Kings'task is daunting.

37.This sense of whimsy is certainly evident in the movie.

38.This museum will be based on scholarship, not whimsy.

39.A magnolia-scented whimsy affectionately directed by a mellow Robert Altman.

40.It's based on whimsy and a kind of Edwardian sensibility.

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