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English-Hindi > throaty" sentence in Hindi

throaty in a sentence

31.Heard that throaty, late-night radio voice?

32.He chants in high tones alternately throaty and nasal.

33.Running, the Prowler has " a mellow throaty sound,"

34.The screeches and throaty rattle of the subway cars drowned out the conversation.

35.No throaty screams, no blaring horns, no cheers, no boos.

36.O'Neill said in his throaty Irish brogue.

37.The triple carburettors also made for a distinctive throaty note when under acceleration.

38.His voice issued forth voice deep and throaty without a trace of frailty.

39.Many of the women in the group laughed a long, throaty, laugh.

40.Moreau laughs that deep, throaty familiar laugh.

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How to say throaty in Hindi and what is the meaning of throaty in Hindi? throaty Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.