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English-Hindi > rocking chair" sentence in Hindi

rocking chair in a sentence

31.A rocking chair was purported to move on its own accord.

32.Another rocking chair was auctioned off Tuesday for $ 400, 000.

33.Sink into an antique rocking chair on Aunt Mary's Porch.

34.They tend to think you just deserve a rocking chair.

35.Arched piazzas with rocking chairs provide views of the waterfront.

36.Dad wrote ` Rocking Chair'in 1929, both music and lyrics.

37.Seven of the nine frames were certified Rocking Chair Innings.

38.She is confronted by blowing drapes and moving rocking chairs.

39.Only Mrs . Siegert sits in the big rocking chair.

40.Lincoln slumped over in his rocking chair, and then backward.

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How to say rocking chair in Hindi and what is the meaning of rocking chair in Hindi? rocking chair Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.