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English-Hindi > locus of control" sentence in Hindi

locus of control in a sentence

31.People that have the combination of the two types of locus of control are often referred to as Bi-locals.

32.Those with an external locus of control are more likely to be persuaded or convinced by those in authority.

33.Rotter also looked at studies regarding the correlation between gambling and either an internal or external locus of control.

34.Of particular interest are the data cited on the relationship between internal health locus of control and alcohol consumption.

35.Regarding locus of control, there is another type of control that entails a mix among the internal and external types.

36.During the 1970s and 1980s, Whyte correlated locus of control with the academic success of students enrolled in higher-education courses.

37.A meta-analysis of 187 studies of job satisfaction concluded that high satisfaction was positively associated with internal locus of control.

38.People with an internal locus of control tend to take responsibility for their actions and are resourceful in solving problems.

39.The " highly motivated " explanation is created at the intersection of high-perceived controllability of act and internal locus of control.

40.The " exceptional case " explanation is created at the intersection of low controllability of act and internal locus of control.

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