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English-Hindi > learn the ropes" sentence in Hindi

learn the ropes in a sentence

31.They take a while to learn the ropes.

32.If Dad wasn't an auctioneer, though, an aspiring bid-caller can still learn the ropes at auction school.

33.His new partner, Libby, has just arrived, so she ( and the audience ) learn the ropes.

34.Be kind as I learn the ropes!

35.He's tough enough to learn the ropes.

36.Now he believes members of Congress need at least two terms " to learn the ropes ."

37.Kallas will shadow the commissioner for economic and monetary affairs for six months to learn the ropes.

38.She speaks speculatively about working in some gofer capacity on a film just to learn the ropes.

39.My interactions with other users have steadily improved as I learn the ropes and become more self-assured.

40.I can definitely say that I intend to be a very cautious administrator while I learn the ropes.

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How to say learn the ropes in Hindi and what is the meaning of learn the ropes in Hindi? learn the ropes Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.