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English-Hindi > genitourinary" sentence in Hindi

genitourinary in a sentence

31.Scardino has written extensively about his field and is an editor of " The Comprehensive Textbook of Genitourinary Oncology"

32.FPA also provides clinic details of contraception, sexual health and genitourinary medicine ( GUM ) clinics and sexual assault referral centres.

33.Fluoroquinolones are often used for genitourinary infections, and are widely used in the treatment of hospital-acquired infections associated with urinary catheters.

34.He serves as Medical Director of the Research Executive Committee and Associate Chair of the Developmental Therapeutics and Genitourinary Committees for US Oncology Research.

35.Although he was primarily known for work with genitourinary anatomy, Guyon is credited with the discovery of the ulnar canal at the wrist.

36.The 2008 SBUR Fall Meeting will be held in Phoenix, Arizona, with the scientific theme of " Epigenetics and Genitourinary Disorders ".

37.Exposure to PAHs causes adverse side-effects on skin, eyes, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, hematopoietic system and genitourinary system.

38.The majority of this hospital was closed in 1999 but with the West Wing remaining open for clinic services, genitourinary medicine and rehabilitation treatment.

39.They should look for symptoms referable to other potentially involved systems : the CNS, the genitourinary system, the cardiovascular system, and dentition.

40.Other leeches that also settle in mucosae have been found in noses but as well near the eyes and in the genitourinary system of mammals.

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How to say genitourinary in Hindi and what is the meaning of genitourinary in Hindi? genitourinary Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.