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English-Hindi > financial penalty" sentence in Hindi

financial penalty in a sentence

31.They might even seek large financial penalties like those levied against the tobacco industry.

32.Unlike a surety, the responsible person faces no financial penalty.

33.Such rulings do not carry financial penalties for the offenders.

34.Financial penalties were incurred on schools if students did not demonstrate adequate academic performance.

35.Most authorities agree that Congress cannot require the president to pay a financial penalty.

36.Private developers would suffer heavy financial penalties if they stopped construction works, he said.

37.In October, warning violators of financial penalties and flogging.

38.Ruthardt noted a driver can change carriers within 30 days without incurring any financial penalty.

39.Bills are pending in Congress and the California Legislature to impose financial penalties on spammers.

40.Financial penalties and an injunction have placed the future of the popular service in question.

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How to say financial penalty in Hindi and what is the meaning of financial penalty in Hindi? financial penalty Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.