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English-Hindi > energy dissipation" sentence in Hindi

energy dissipation in a sentence

31.Next, Irwin adopted the additional assumption that the size and shape of the energy dissipation zone remains approximately constant during brittle fracture.

32.The right balance of flex and stiffness, needed to minimize energy dissipation at the metatarsal joint, came only after tests with athletes.

33.The Kolmogorov 1941 theory is a mean field theory since it assumes that the relevant dynamical parameter is the mean energy dissipation rate.

34.If you'll noted, the discussion that gives rise to " resistance = 0 " is actually saying " energy dissipation " is zero.

35.When h needs to be adjusted, the softening stress strain relation is adjusted so as to maintain the correct energy dissipation G _ f.

36.Energy dissipation is a good measure of cumulative damage under stress reversals; it mirrors the loading history, and parallels the process of damage evolution.

37.The attendant dispersion is a necessary consequence of the energy dissipation and causes the high frequency waves to travel faster than the low-frequency waves.

38.The two main design components are the inception point ( where flow bulking first occurs increased flow depth ) and the energy dissipation that occurs.

39.The LEAP system as described in reference offers a detailed energy dissipation monitoring and sophisticated power control scheduling for all subsystems including the sensor systems.

40.In 2016 researchers used a laser probe to measure the amount of energy dissipation that resulted when a nanomagnetic bit flipped from off to on.

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How to say energy dissipation in Hindi and what is the meaning of energy dissipation in Hindi? energy dissipation Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.