Then, JB used the Battle Cruiser to locate the virtual underwater base causing the virus and then destroyed it, returning the Professor to normal.
He extends the TARDIS door force field to a nearby spaceship the Skonnan battle cruiser and he and Romana board the warship.
The sinking of the battle cruiser " Hood " has not only military, but psychological value, for she was the pride of Great Britain.
;: On 24 May 1941 the battle cruiser sank in three minutes after the stern magazine detonated during the Battle of the Denmark Strait.
Besides the submarines, the Pacific Fleet has a total of 180 vessels including aircraft carriers, battle cruisers, destroyers and other auxiliary ships, the daily said.
*1923 The Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Amagi is heavily damaged by the Great KantM earthquake while still under conversion from a battle cruiser.
But as it had a pre-set return course, it resumed its place at the front of about a hundred thousand horribly weaponed black battle cruisers.
The battle cruiser was severely damaged below the water-line and was obliged to return to the dock whence she had come only the day before.
Nevertheless, " Tiger " was involved in the battle's final moments as the stricken German battle cruiser heeled over and sank with nearly 800 lives.
Sectors like Aragoth Prime contained a heavily defended Red Dragon base that was surrounded by multiple layers of defense turrets, carriers, battle cruisers, and frigates.
How to say battle cruiser in Hindi and what is the meaning of battle cruiser in Hindi? battle cruiser Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by