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English-Hindi > wheeled vehicle" sentence in Hindi

wheeled vehicle in a sentence

21.I never dreamed these two-wheeled vehicles had evolved to such heights.

22.In mountainous regions unsuitable for wheeled vehicles, pack animals continue to transport goods.

23.This is our first major acquisition of a wheeled vehicle for combat operations.

24.The Aptera 2 Series was a three-wheeled vehicle with front-wheel drive.

25.Fortin was second overall among four-wheeled vehicles behind Ragland and Gordon.

26.The French army first utilised a 4x4 wheeled vehicle, armed with four launchers.

27.Roads did not exist, nor wheeled vehicles or pack animals, until after 1766.

28.In its earliest stages, Space sets consisted only of ships and basic wheeled vehicles.

29.See High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle for the military Humvee.

30.They're inherently hazardous in a world of two-ton, four-wheeled vehicles.

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How to say wheeled vehicle in Hindi and what is the meaning of wheeled vehicle in Hindi? wheeled vehicle Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.