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English-Hindi > unnerving" sentence in Hindi

unnerving in a sentence

21.Some Democrats are unnerved by the prospect of entreaties from Bush.

22.That might explain why he appeared so unnerved talking about football.

23.It turned into the unnerving afternoon of the anti-spa.

24.The Jets are used to this sort of unnerving institutional limbo.

25.But Hong Kong's more open system unnerves the Chinese.

26."That's what really unnerved me ."

27.Some people are so unnerved they hardly know what to say.

28.It was a little unnerving, but I did my best.

29.The first reactions to Radius were sometimes unnerving, they admit.

30.There was one episode last fall that unnerved a few neighbors.

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How to say unnerving in Hindi and what is the meaning of unnerving in Hindi? unnerving Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.