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English-Hindi > slops" sentence in Hindi

slops in a sentence

21.Then again, Funny Cide could thrive in the slop.

22.He finally grew up at Churchill Downs last November in the slop.

23."The ` Cosmic Slop'catches everybody.

24.Mix the other ingredients and slop over the bird.

25.Cigar has never run in the mud or slop,

26.We're not going to run him in a sea of slop.

27.To reach disaster speedily, add American sentimental slop.

28.He finished eighth his only time in the slop.

29.A horse might well like the Belmont slop but hate the Saratoga slop.

30.A horse might well like the Belmont slop but hate the Saratoga slop.

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How to say slops in Hindi and what is the meaning of slops in Hindi? slops Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.