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English-Hindi > provide against" sentence in Hindi

provide against in a sentence

21.He provided against the anticipated desertion of some of his own officers to Ormonde by arresting them and shipping them to England.

22.The biggest benefit of pathogen inactivation may be the insurance it provides against a new pathogen that could appear as HIV did.

23.For example, the protective effects that estrogen can provide against heart disease are " wiped away " if women contract diabetes, he said.

24.For example, Fred Bauder has keenly observed that the cited evidence you provided against Asdfg12345 " generally shows removal of biased editing ".

25.The object of the statute was to prevent people being deceived by buying spurious woollen cloth, and to provide against fraud and imposition.

26.The Toronto Star revealed evidence provided against Birshtein was given by Dmitri Lakoubovski, a former Russian government official and a former executive with Seabeco.

27.A wise compact with the neighbouring Cistercians'house of Louth Park in 1174 provided against that most fruitful source of strife, the acquisition of lands.

28.Maternal antibodies protect against some diseases more than others such as measles, rubella, and tetanus compared to the protection provided against polio, and pertussis.

29.The views outlined in this statement are significantly weaker than the protections the community has historically provided against online harassment and disclosure of editors'personal information.

30.Colonists were attracted to settle in Gourbeyre because of trading opportunities and in view of the protection provided against English attacks for residents in Gourbeyre.

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How to say provide against in Hindi and what is the meaning of provide against in Hindi? provide against Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.