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English-Hindi > meanie" sentence in Hindi

meanie in a sentence

21.The show included special appearances by Spike Dudley, The Blue Meanie and The Sandman.

22.:Meanie et al were deemed sockpuckets.

23.:: Meanie, Boatingfaster, or whichever sock I am talking to right now.

24.Don't be seen as a big meanie-even to the bad acting ones!

25.Their opponents were announced as The Blue World Order ( Stevie Richards and the Blue Meanie ).

26.The Green Meanie appears in the basement and attacks the girls, decapitating Catherine with a machete.

27.Q : Who would win in a fight : Darth Vader or the new meanie, Darth Maul?

28.Labels are a destructive, hurtful byproduct of our very mean, mean-person, meanie society.

29.Scott herself never cared for the moniker, though she found " meanie " roles easier to play.

30.The entrance to Big Meanie was dug open by Manchester University Speleological Society ( MUSS ) in 1971.

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How to say meanie in Hindi and what is the meaning of meanie in Hindi? meanie Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.