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English-Hindi > heartstrings" sentence in Hindi

heartstrings in a sentence

21.Phifer had a couple of things pulling at his heartstrings.

22."Heartstrings " ( Verve ) _ Russell Malone

23.Meucci's story may pull your heartstrings, but not your hamstrings.

24.He rallies the faithful and tugs at the heartstrings.

25.The film, to its credit, never tries to pluck your heartstrings.

26.Both twang the heartstrings in favor of familiar underdogs.

27.Not surprisingly, farmers'problems tug few heartstrings in the five boroughs.

28.We tried to tug more on the emotional heartstrings,

29.Developers shamelessly entice buyers by tugging at their heartstrings.

30.Either way, though, it plucks the heartstrings.

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How to say heartstrings in Hindi and what is the meaning of heartstrings in Hindi? heartstrings Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.