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English-Hindi > effervescing" sentence in Hindi

effervescing in a sentence

21.The acid reacts with the carbonate ( [ CO 3 ] 2 " ) group, which causes the affected area to effervesce, giving off carbon dioxide gas.

22.Calcite immediately effervesces in acid, whereas acid must be applied to powdered dolomite ( often to a scratched surface in a rock ), for it to effervesce.

23.Calcite immediately effervesces in acid, whereas acid must be applied to powdered dolomite ( often to a scratched surface in a rock ), for it to effervesce.

24.Dreamy, effervescing ponds of waterlilies, their flowers encased in discs of gold, purple and green, are juxtaposed with dark, exploding meditations on war and death.

25."I knew coming in that I could play this well today, " he said, effervescing like Rosie O'Donnell after a three-day Starbucks binge.

26."' Cancrinite "'is a complex carbonate and silicate of sodium, calcium and aluminium with the formula effervesce with hydrochloric acid due to the associated carbonate ions.

27.In the 19th century, natural gas was usually obtained as a by-product of reservoir to the surface, similar to uncapping a soft drink bottle where the carbon dioxide effervesces.

28."Variety " called the film a " sparkling and effervescing piece of farce-comedy " with a story that is " light, fluffy, and frolicsome . ..

29.Effervescing strenuously, a Canadian homebody named Kate ( Meg Ryan ) goes abroad to track down her errant fiance and instead encounters Luc ( Kevin Kline ), a worldly French jewel thief.

30.Zeolite minerals will not effervesce in acid; instead, they become frosted after 5 10 minutes, and if left in acid for a day, they dissolve or become a silica gel.

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