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English-Hindi > down beat" sentence in Hindi

down beat in a sentence

21.According to Down Beat, it was one of the first bebop groups ever assembled.

22.Lambert, Hendricks & Ross were voted Best Vocal Group in the " Down Beat"

23.The 1958 " Down Beat " review gave the album a maximum five stars.

24.Over trippy, stripped-down beats, his lyrics mesh with siren wails, gunshots, and tire squeals.

25.Chantilly Jazz placed 2nd in the " Down Beat"

26.In 1966, 24 years after his death, Christian was inducted into the " Down Beat"

27.In 1962 " Down Beat " magazine's annual poll of best jazz performers included Ashby.

28.Acox was named Educator of the Year by " Down Beat " magazine in 2001.

29.Person also debuted another project with 2008 Down Beat critics poll elected vocalist Dwight Trible.

30.He always wanted the emphasis on the down beat.

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How to say down beat in Hindi and what is the meaning of down beat in Hindi? down beat Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.