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English-Hindi > docilest" sentence in Hindi

docilest in a sentence

21.She is said to have been a docile and beautiful princess.

22.Generally docile, they are considered safe around children and pets.

23.On that day, the guards in the mine seemed more docile.

24.His new, docile personality may be one reason he has endured.

25.Everybody thinks these sharks are docile until they are provoked,

26.When he stands up to interrogate management, more docile shareholders groan.

27.But the normally docile Edison Field crowd stood and cheered.

28."They've got a docile press west of Philadelphia.

29.Peaceful and docile when left alone but fierce if disturbed.

30.But New York did not achieve greatness by being fuzzy and docile.

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How to say docilest in Hindi and what is the meaning of docilest in Hindi? docilest Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.