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English-Hindi > circadian rhythm" sentence in Hindi

circadian rhythm in a sentence

21.The circadian rhythm and synchronization of mating behaviour to planetary cues are examples.

22.If we know there are circadian rhythms, then this has ramifications.

23.The party invitations arrive in the mail with a circadian rhythm.

24.What drove circadian rhythms to evolve has been an enigmatic question.

25.:: There are lots of genetic mutations known to induce circadian rhythm abnormalities.

26.The urge to nap may be due to our circadian rhythms.

27.The photic response is likely linked to effects of light on circadian rhythms.

28.Then scientists discovered the brain-based clock isn't the only control of circadian rhythms.

29.Circadian rhythms are also responsible for the afternoon drowsiness that many workers experience.

30.Zebrafish spawn best in the morning due to their Circadian rhythms.

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How to say circadian rhythm in Hindi and what is the meaning of circadian rhythm in Hindi? circadian rhythm Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.