21. The EXCOR product range covers blood pumps and cannula of various sizes and types. 22. The arm of the condemned person is swabbed with alcohol before the cannula is inserted. 23. A cannula is passed into the uterus. 24. Thus oxygen delivery by nasal cannula is limited to less than 6 liters per minute. 25. In a cannula -based aseptic sampling system, a needle penetrates an elastomeric septum. 26. The guidewire is threaded through the cannula into the subclavian vein keeping the compression on. 27. Insertion of the venous cannula is a painful procedure that can lead to anxiety and stress. 28. Using a cannula , a filter stick Air-free technique # Gallery may be used. 29. :There is the Nasal cannula which serves that purpose, but is a bit extreme. 30. The cannula enters at a 45 degree angle at a depth of 6.5 mm.