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English-Hindi > briar" sentence in Hindi

briar in a sentence

21.And three of the four parents attended Briar Cliff College in Iowa.

22._Sweet Briar College ( 1901 ), Sweet Briar, Va.

23._Sweet Briar College ( 1901 ), Sweet Briar, Va.

24."I've been caught in the briars several times.

25.Briar has three convenience stores, a liquor store and a bar.

26.Briar has several churches and a quaint, small-town feel.

27.This dropped Briar's enrollment by about 500 students.

28.It is unknown if Briar knew it was Totenkinder who cursed her.

29.A month later, Briar and the girls are on the roof.

30.In 2006, Simmons College, Sweet Briar College and Hollins University.

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How to say briar in Hindi and what is the meaning of briar in Hindi? briar Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.