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English-Hindi > apparatchik" sentence in Hindi

apparatchik in a sentence

21.And in a sense the apparatchiks were right.

22.The target, in Kiev as in Tbilisi : a Soviet-schooled apparatchik.

23.And the fanatical environmentalists and other irrational, unthinking apparatchiks will be directly responsible.

24.Amid this disaffection and disunity, power resides with the apparatchiks in the executive branch.

25.That still does not make the army an easy partner for an apparatchik like Jiang.

26.The preference, in political terms, simmered below the opaque surface of the apparatchik.

27.Agnello is regarded by federal law-enforcement authorities as a senior crime family apparatchik.

28.But many voters fear he would return corrupt party apparatchiks to power in the provinces.

29.Among the party apparatchiks, is adulation for Newt Gingrich greater than enthusiasm for Bob Dole?

30._Begin with all campaign apparatchiks.

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How to say apparatchik in Hindi and what is the meaning of apparatchik in Hindi? apparatchik Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.