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English-Hindi > white eye" sentence in Hindi

white eye in a sentence

11.He has big white eyes perpetually popping with worry.

12.When Ms . Hardison says white eyes, she isn't kidding.

13.Captain Pipe wanted war on the Americans, and White Eyes wanted peace.

14.The head has a broad white eye ring, broken above the eye.

15.It has a white eye ring, round wings, and strong legs.

16.Only her eggshell white eyes betray her disability.

17.Remember, Tom Hanks'milky white eyes in " Philadelphia "?

18.The head is brownish black with a white throat and conspicuous white eye ring.

19.It has a white eye and a broad, bright greenish-yellow bill.

20.Infirm in his old age, he was succeeded by White Eyes in 1776.

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How to say white eye in Hindi and what is the meaning of white eye in Hindi? white eye Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.