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English-Hindi > smeary" sentence in Hindi

smeary in a sentence

11.Dunham also appeared in artist A . K . Burns'multi-channel video installation " A Smeary Spot ".

12.At these moments, the smeary video images seem much less evocative and much less precise than Smith's full-bodied impersonations.

13.His colors _ mostly smeary reds and vile, fluorescent greens _ are so intensely putrid that the film stock itself seems to have rotted.

14.This image, along with the smeary, spatula-footed nudes produced a decade later, are shrill scherzos punctuating the symphonic sweep of his career.

15.The transfer will strike most viewers as first rate, particularly if they've had to put up with the smeary colors of the old videotape version.

16.He whipped up portraits of the local swells, notably Isabella Gardner, whom he depicted as a wasp-waisted bodhisattva with a smeary face and milky skin.

17."Chuck and Buck " and " Time Code " found a raw, intimate beauty in the medium's flat, smeary texture.

18.The murderer's point of view is registered in grainy hand-held video, and Jack's inner turmoil reaches us through smeary, cut-up flashbacks.

19.John has also fallen in love with Clementine ( Gwyneth Paltrow ), a cocktail waitress and occasional prostitute with smeary lipstick, chipped nail polish and too much kohl under her eyes.

20.Russell's giddily stylized portrayal still enchanted me, and Lucille Ball's maudlin, smeary one ( in the hideous 1974 movie musical ) I somehow managed to avoid or forget.

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