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English-Hindi > public way" sentence in Hindi

public way in a sentence

11.We both have dealt with Tim's situation in a very public way . ..

12.It has, apparently, been a public way since AD 400.

13.Allen was chairman of the Transportation and Public Way Committee.

14.I'm held accountable in a public way for decisions I make in a game,"

15.Other women have chosen a more public way of atoning for informants within their families.

16.Because once you had a public identity, people could attack you in a public way.

17.It's just too bad he couldn't have made them in a little less public way.

18.It's so fascinating to see somebody exorcise his demons in such a public way ."

19.It's just lived in a public way so people pay more attention to it ."

20.She wanted to do so in a public way.

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How to say public way in Hindi and what is the meaning of public way in Hindi? public way Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.