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English-Hindi > psychologies" sentence in Hindi

psychologies in a sentence

11.This could change the whole dynamic and psychology of the campaign.

12.But Morales, 30, never received a PhD in psychology.

13.Expectations are everything, as any psychology professor will tell you.

14.There has been a major change in psychology for the group,

15.At 8 he was reading / { Psychology Today / }.

16.Amaker's wife teaches in the Seton Hall psychology department.

17."It's the psychology of being a gigster.

18.A similar change is taking place in the field of psychology.

19.But the Russian stance is also a matter of national psychology.

20.Rob tends to get more into the psychology behind the scene,

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How to say psychologies in Hindi and what is the meaning of psychologies in Hindi? psychologies Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.