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English-Hindi > ordures" sentence in Hindi

ordures in a sentence

11."Mixed Nuts " is based on an undoubtedly more wicked French farce, " Le Pere Noel est une Ordure ."

12.Henceforth, the official language of the Cowboys should be French, where even taking out the garbage _ portez les ordures _ sounds lyrically romantic.

13."Mixed Nuts " originated when Nora Ephron saw an obscure French film, " Le Pere Noel Est une Ordure ."

14.One of the most vicious nicknames ascribed to Gabrielle was " la duchesse d'Ordure " ( " the Duchess of Filth " ).

15.Loosely based on a French film called " Le Pere Noel est une Ordure, " the movie proves that some things don't translate.

16.In 1982, she was back with Le Splendid ( and An�mone ) and together they made an other cult movie : Le P�re No�l est une ordure.

17.I followed him through the streets, listening to his rant, the insults directed at me for knowing cutpurses and caitiffs, and how dare I lead him into such dens of ordure.

18.It's adapted from a little-seen French movie, " Le Pere Noel est une Ordure " ( which translates into something like " Santa Claus Is Garbage " ).

19.A whole rash of copyvio ordure about Knights and Ulphans, all at CSD . Checkuser requested because this seems like the start of an outbreak of idiocy Faddle 18 : 38, 1 April 2015 ( UTC)

20.Adapted from the French film " Le Pere Noel Est une Ordure, " it has a farcical tone that loses everything in translation, with only hand-waving, door-slamming and zany costumes left behind.

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