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English-Hindi > inherent bias" sentence in Hindi

inherent bias in a sentence

11.Does a Christian have any reason to fear a Muslim and hold inherent biases against them?

12.There have also been claims of an inherent bias in the wording and structure of the questions.

13.I think expressions of prejudice regarding inherent biases of editors of a certain ethnic origin are disturbing.

14."It cannot be excluded that inherent biases contribute to the differences, " it said.

15.This is bad as AUSC exists to overcome the inherent bias in being a user of the tools.

16.But as Gephardt notes, the system's inherent bias toward erosion one loophole at a time has remained.

17.It is an inherent bias in that punch card machine that is really at the heart of this court battle.

18.Look at the inherent bias of each and every person who has edited this article over the past several years.

19.The language used to describe value in jazz shows the inherent bias : the most praised sounds are the big ones.

20.Further the inherent bias against IPTV shows vs community tv and cable tv shows in notability considerations needs to be discussed.

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How to say inherent bias in Hindi and what is the meaning of inherent bias in Hindi? inherent bias Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.