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English-Hindi > immunization" sentence in Hindi

immunization in a sentence

11.My son has paid a huge personal price for mass immunization,

12.It's better nutrition, housing, antibiotics, immunization.

13.Health professionals say the Walthers story illustrates the importance of immunization.

14.Once the virus is eliminated immunization will no longer be necessary.

15.The authorities responded with a vigorous, large scale immunization campaign.

16.We still have to continue immunization for three to four years,

17.India will have to continue immunization for three to four years.

18.It will be Quebec's first mass immunization since 1993.

19.The United States discontinued routine childhood immunization against smallpox in 1972.

20.But poorer countries have in some cases failed to prioritize immunizations.

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How to say immunization in Hindi and what is the meaning of immunization in Hindi? immunization Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.