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English-Hindi > gettable" sentence in Hindi

gettable in a sentence

11.With five overs to go, the challenge had become a gettable 6, 4 runs an over.

12.Jayasuriya and Dharmasena, shared the England spoils as the home side was restricted to a gettable score.

13.But I think that if we can get two quick wickets tomorrow, that total is very gettable.

14.Warne, who has 511 wickets, said Walsh's record is " gettable ."

15.I wanted to do everything I could to make the music I love accessible, gettable to the public.

16.The two goals are gettable and with the two away goals we can still make it into the final.

17."They're as gettable as they've been since I've been here,"

18.Torre said, " left field is the only position that's gettable for him right now ."

19.After four consecutive five-wicket hauls, he's confident Walsh's record is " gettable ."

20.But the 20-point quarter-time lead should have been more after the Redbacks squandered several gettable set-shots.

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How to say gettable in Hindi and what is the meaning of gettable in Hindi? gettable Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.