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English-Hindi > despond" sentence in Hindi

despond in a sentence

11.The path crosses the Dark River, goes through a sunken path representing again the Slough of Despond, and past a sundial.

12.Mr . Wrong, or a series of Mr . Wrongs, would lead to a slough of despond _ and an early grave.

13.Rebounding from their Slough of Despond, Congressional Democrats are claiming an early victory over the Republicans in the netherworld of on-line Internet politicking.

14.Rebounding from their Slough of Despond, congressional Democrats are claiming an early victory over the Republicans in the netherworld of on-line Internet politicking.

15.In sum, he aims to revitalize an agency that has been mired in a slough of despond _ terrible publicity, terrible morale, terrible credibility.

16.Part of the garden, her dark Eden Fed Turkish Delights by poisoned fronds My heart hardened in her wet season Treading mud in her slough of despond

17.Tender-Conscience has a difficult time crossing the Slough of Despond, and he does not get by it without being covered in mud from it.

18."I think Powell is going to rescue moderate Republicans from the slough of despond, " said Abt, praising Powell's experience in foreign policy.

19.Willis's soft-spoken doc believes the boy, though, and is resolved to lift him out of the trough of despond into which he has slipped.

20.He would have done better to prescribe psychotherapy, or maybe Prozac, because Ivanov has sunk into one of those Russian desponds that make Siberia seem sunny and permafrost warm.

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