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English-Hindi > clinging" sentence in Hindi

clinging in a sentence

11.Instead of clinging to the body, it falls very loosely.

12.The government said Friday night that he was clinging to life.

13.They visited the room where Bobby Ojeda was clinging to life.

14.At that point, the Celtics were in Clinging Fingernail mode.

15.A policy of clinging to the center is not without risks.

16._Model Niki Taylor is still clinging to life ( National)

17.He was clinging to a one-quarter-inch root.

18.And people are clinging more tightly to friends and loved ones.

19.He will learn too late the folly of clinging to lies.

20.The media mob clinging nearby to former candidate Pat Buchanan hesitated.

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How to say clinging in Hindi and what is the meaning of clinging in Hindi? clinging Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.