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English-Hindi > chaparral" sentence in Hindi

chaparral in a sentence

11.Plants generally grow in chaparral, oak, or pine forests.

12.It grows in the coastal chaparral on the windblown bluffs ..

13.It grows in chaparral, woodland, and other local habitat.

14.It generally grows in moist spots in chaparral and other habitat.

15.It is native to the chaparral of California and Baja California.

16.It grows in rocky limestone soils in chaparral habitat among manzanitas.

17.Vegetation types include desert, chaparral, and pinyon-juniper.

18.He played one season with the Chaparrals from 1972 through 1973.

19.The plant grows in chaparral and open forests at elevations of.

20.He also teaches music at Moorpark High School and Chaparral Middle School.

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How to say chaparral in Hindi and what is the meaning of chaparral in Hindi? chaparral Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.