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English-Hindi > airborne troops" sentence in Hindi

airborne troops in a sentence

11.They referred to the airborne troops as " the bad soldiers . ".

12.The Mobile Forces are the airborne troops of the armed forces.

13.Nevertheless, Russian Airborne Troops are still the largest in the world.

14.Rodionov has proposed cutting the airborne troops from 64, 300 to 48, 500.

15.He became commander of the Russian Airborne Troops in October 2016.

16.One particular problem was the defence of airfields against airborne troops.

17.Eric was placed in Military Field Intelligence with the airborne troops.

18.The airborne troops are an elite branch of Russia's armed forces.

19.There might even be a use for some airborne troops during a withdrawal.

20.The 218th Battalion of Special Forces Airborne Troops was formed July 25, 1992.

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How to say airborne troops in Hindi and what is the meaning of airborne troops in Hindi? airborne troops Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.