In the industry, rented quotas are often referred to as " dedicated access privileges " ( DAP ).
You need access privileges to be there when the sun rises before'normal opening hours'when the public are not admitted.
Delta announced code-sharing agreement, reciprocal frequent-flyer redemption benefits and lounge-access privileges with Northwest Airlines and Continental Airlines in June.
In most cases, it is claimed that due to European ancestors, these players are able to access privileged naturalization procedures,
Each badge will carry a photo of its owner, name, function at the Games, the organization represented and access privileges.
Accent's 13 ready modules include information management, scheduling, security and access privilege, e-mail and forum communication, and task / time management.
Access Complexity was renamed Attack Complexity ( AC ) to make clear that access privileges were moved to a separate metric.
And Moses became the first partner of an openly gay member of Congress to receive spouse status, granting him special access privileges throughout the Capitol.
The access privileges required by their new duties are frequently added onto their already existing access privileges which may no longer be necessary or appropriate.
The TATP benchmark simulates a typical phone number, the services to which they have subscribed, access privileges, and the current location of the subscriber's handset.
How to say access privilege in Hindi and what is the meaning of access privilege in Hindi? access privilege Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by