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English-Hindi > abnormal psychology" sentence in Hindi

abnormal psychology in a sentence

11.He taught abnormal psychology at Smith College ( 1926-1962 ).

12.Frankly, there have been times when it's been abnormal psychology.

13.This may be what they call abnormal psychology, but it's pretty real for me.

14.There are anti-social personalities, and lessons in abnormal psychology.

15.The study of mental illnesses is called abnormal psychology.

16.The novel, which combines action and abnormal psychology, climaxes in mind-blowing madness reminiscent of Hitchcock.

17.Henry Adams, Lester Wright Jr . and Bethany Lohr in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

18.He wrote " The Abnormal Personality, " the standard textbook on abnormal psychology for generations.

19.Medical : The medical approach to abnormal psychology focuses on the biological causes on mental illness.

20.But it's almost as fascinating a study in abnormal psychology and it's a lot more fun.

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How to say abnormal psychology in Hindi and what is the meaning of abnormal psychology in Hindi? abnormal psychology Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.