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English-Hindi > a bit much" sentence in Hindi

a bit much in a sentence

11.Even some railway workers say it's a bit much.

12.Personally, I think they're compartmentalizing a bit much.

13.It's a bit much to ask, I think.

14.I just think marking it for deletion is a bit much.

15.Such grand schemes are a bit much for today's planners.

16.That would be a bit much for everyone to take.

17.This may be a bit much for Mom and Dad.

18.Such speculation is a bit much for some other scholars.

19.Some people find the strip malls a bit much and even tacky.

20.But that last part about the Disney characters is a bit much.

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How to say a bit much in Hindi and what is the meaning of a bit much in Hindi? a bit much Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.