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search radar meaning in Hindi

search radar sentence in Hindi

अन्वेषी रेडार
खोजी रेडार
search    अन्वेषण फिराक खोज
radar    रडार राडार रेडार
1.At this time the site operated an AN / FPS-20 search radar.

2.The bombardier was replaced by a search radar with a large radome.

3.Search radars scan a wide area with pulses of short radio waves.

4.A Type 13 air-search and Type 22 surface-search radar were also fitted.

5.In 1956 a GE CPS-6B search radar was the main search radar.

6.Active surface search radar is an Elta unit operating on I band.

7.In 1956 a GE CPS-6B search radar was the main search radar.

8.In 1958, the site was operating an AN / FPS-20A search radar.

9.In 1958 an AN / FPS-20 search radar was deployed at Calumet.

10.A SG surface-search radar was mounted on the foremast at the same time.

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How to say search radar in Hindi and what is the meaning of search radar in Hindi? search radar Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.