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root swelling meaning in Hindi

root swelling sentence in Hindi

मूल शोथ
root    हेतु जड आधार कारण
swelling    गिलटी फुलाव सूजन
1.Symptoms vary by strain, but leaf discoloration, stem / root swelling, and die-back generally occur.

2.In fact, some plants appeared to be 99.9 percent free of root swellings characteristic of nematode infestation, he said.

3.In fact, some plants appeared to be 99 . 9 percent free of root swellings characteristic of nematode infestation, he said.

4.Main symptoms include : leaf chlorosis ( interveinal ), root necrosis, red vein banding in young leaves, small mottled pods, and stem / root swelling followed by die-back.

5.Diseases associated with this genus include : CSSV : leaf chlorosis, root necrosis, red vein banding in young leaves, small mottled pods, and stem / root swelling followed by die-back.

6.Depending on the specific tissue, auxin may promote axial elongation ( as in shoots ), lateral expansion ( as in root swelling ), or isodiametric expansion ( as in fruit growth ).

How to say root swelling in Hindi and what is the meaning of root swelling in Hindi? root swelling Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.