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rocking chair meaning in Hindi

pronunciation: [ 'rɔkiŋ ]  sound:  
rocking chair sentence in Hindi
दोलन कुर्सी
दोलन कुरसी
rocking    डोलन रॉकन संदोलन
chair    आसन कुरसी कुर्सी
1.Put away the rocking chair that was supposed to signify his retirement.

2.Porch swings are an alternative to using rocking chairs or gliders outdoors.

3.Neighbors and relatives relaxed on rocking chairs on the porch, looking on.

4.An antique maple rocking chair sits exotically among the svelte Mies furnishings.

5.Lindgren had bought a rocking chair which he brought to the vicarage.

6.In the pictures you see rocking chairs, straw mats _ downright tatty.

7.A favorite spot is the beachfront porch with white slat rocking chairs.

8.One particularly novel invention of note was the rocking chair butter churn.

9.The poor in their rocking chairs had big cigars in their mouths.

10.This one includes a feeble, old man in a rocking chair.

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a chair mounted on rockers
Synonyms: rocker,

How to say rocking chair in Hindi and what is the meaning of rocking chair in Hindi? rocking chair Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.